
Data Entry Scams:

These scams come in different forms but, the most common form is – a promise of making a lot of money without needing much skill(s). Such jobs often ask for an upfront training or processing fee and, even after paying this, these jobs don’t pay as advertised. However, some true data entry jobs don’t brag about high payment and will not ask for an initial payment. If you come across such a data entry job, it could be a legitimate one.

Pyramid Marketing:

Next to data entry job scams, pyramid marketing or multi-level marketing job is the most common job scam. This sort of business is illegitimate in most of the countries and has no foundation in real business. Surprisingly, no product gets exchanged and, only money gets exchanged. People invest in this, believing they can earn well when they rope in new members. However, the case is different. Someone will earn in this scheme when someone loses money and, it can be you also.

Stuffing Envelopes:

This job scam has been present for many years and will not go away anytime soon. Although job differences are there in this scam, it typically requires signing up and fee payment to “stuff envelopes from home.” Once you enroll, you get a document that explains how to persuade others to purchase the same envelope-the same one for which you fell. When someone else like you falls for this scam, you will get a small commission. Surprisingly to get this small commission, someone should also pay a non-refundable fee as you did.

Wire Transfers:

This scam is popular amongst burglars. These scams move money within no time from one account to another and, such transfers are also hard to refund or redo. So, this means no way one can recover the lost money. Although sometimes, the money transfer request may look legal, it should always be checked thoroughly. Scammers involved in this scam pose like company staff and make fraudulent money transfers.

Unsolicited Job Offers:

Often unwanted job offers come in the form of emails or messages. These emails are usually not sent by the job providers, or anyone licensed to do. However, genuine ones can also be doing. So, the trick here is to know which message or email is legitimate and which is not. Sometimes scammers will also use job boards such as Indeed, ZipRecruiter and so on. They may also use social media platforms. In these many possibilities, it is our duty to be cautious and differentiate between what is a solicited job offer and what is not.

Online Re-Shipping:

It is not only a common job scam but is also the most dangerous one. The ones who fall for this scam become criminals without any fault of theirs. Re-shipping jobs are even called postal forwarding jobs and are work from home occupations that consist of repacking and sending stolen stuff to customers. This kind of dispatching can either be within a country or outside a country. Although payment and refund for shipping expenses are promised, it happens very rarely.

Rebate Processor:

Rebate processing jobs mislead the unemployed with a promise of high income in exchange for handling rebates at home. A nonrefundable “training” fee is usually charged to be a rebate processor. However, instead of processing rebates, this job consists of making ads for different items and posting the same on the internet. One gets a negligible commission when someone purchases the items.

Assembling Products/Crafts:

Work-from-home assembling jobs have been present for quite a good amount of time. Many companies of this sort ask for a membership fee. One must even pay for the materials and supplies purchased from them. Companies are well known to refuse finished goods irrespective of how tightly they match the sample final products. All this is laborious work that literally pays nothing.

Career Advancement Grants:

It is a scam targeted towards employees who want some additional certifications or want to increase their education. They need these to push their careers further. People get emails saying if they need a career advancement grant and, once they revert to this email, they will never get aid and will also lose their confidential data.

These are only a few of the most common job scams and, there could be many. Being a noted recruitment agency-W3Global advises you to report such scams immediately as and when you notice. If you are a job seeker, you can try our latest legitimate jobs that pay well and promise career growth.

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