When you turn out to be a recruiter, you instantaneously become flexible as things keep changing constantly. Life is full of buzz and, there’s never a boring moment. It is tough to say in a few words how the life of a recruiter would be like as no two days are the same, but still, we have tried to furnish some insights regarding the ever-changing life of a recruiter. Probably, this article will be of use if you are trying to be a recruiter furthermore you can correct us if we’re wrong 🙂.
For sure work is fun and each day differs in responsibilities!
Every morning, a recruiter like other employees first, prepares for the day and manages the calendar. Followed by this, checks emails and makes sure to check on the status of all the open requests (having open communication with fellow recruiters, hiring managers and the applicants are all important). Once this is finished, he/she takes time to go through every inbound resume from job postings and follows up with every prospected candidate.
The rest of the day consists of passive and active sourcing using various recruiting platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, the in-house database, and referrals (these are only to name a few).
Other daily tasks include: